How do you like your night's rest to feel ~ crisp and cool; cozy and swaddled? Maybe your sheets' design and sheen are what cause the ultimate zzz's ... Let's define your sheet personality.
- Do you like your sheeting to be light and allow you to feel cool and airy? Then you're most likely a sheet minimalist. Try Lyric. Or if you prefer a touch of femininity, consider Calypso because of its hemline detail.
- Love textures that are soft to the touch and a luxurious night of a buttery bedding palette? You are a sheet sophisticate. Flirt with Soprano, available in basic colors or in Flint or Nude. Or consider Overture, a scalloped edge sheet that is ULTRA soft and thick.
- Looking for a sheet that has subtle appeal? Do you like timeless design? You may be a classicist. Try Soprano Stripe, a classic linen with a damask stripe.
We want to hear from you! What sheets fit your personality?